The poor rabbit chased by Python and Anaconda :p


Again, a recent discussion with my colleague about deploying YOLOv4 on Azure Edge device with FPGA. Our team is trying to deploy a YOLOv4 model on Azure Edge device, and they hope to take advantage of the acceleration provided by FPGA. However, the official Azure Edge document states they only support 5 types of DNN models. They would like to know whether YOLO can be supported and why.

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Recently I’ve discussed Bayesian Optimization with my friends and it’s application in Machine learning. Just document them here for future references.

In MLOps, hyper-parameter tuning comes to play when we’ve figured out what ML method we need to use to answer a business question, what data we have, and we’ve started training the model. The performance of the model is highly depended on the hyper-parameters of the model. Therefore, to get a “best” model, we have to spend some time tuning the hyper-parameters. There are three major methods of tuning the hyper-parameters: 1. grid-search, 2. random-search, 3. Bayesian optimization. I will skip some methods which haven’t been not widely used.

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On-going work

There are always moments when I’m frustrated and lost my confidence. I think it will be a good idea to document these Kudos and shoutouts that have been given by my teammates, managers, and clients.

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Some interview questions

What’s the difference between boosting and bagging


  • attempts to reduce the chance overfitting complex models.
  • Bagging, also called bootstrap, is to create subsets from sample with replacement.
  • It trains a large number of “strong” learners in parallel
  • aim to reduce overfitting from CART
  • uses complex base models and tries to “smooth out” their predictions
  • However the results will be dominated by strong features
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I recently got my AWS driving license with 958/1000.

My personal feeling is, even with enough hands-on experience, one still need to learn how AWS questions are written or how to break them apart. AWS designed their questions to reflect real-world use cases, sometimes without meticulous care of the wording. Therefore, to handle the controversial questions, it’s easier to take it as a common use case, then dig out the common solutions you’ve implemented before going through the options.

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Pyspark Databricks Exercise: RDD

  • the purpose of this practice is to get a deeper understanding of the properties of RDD.
  • we will not talk about what is rdd and what that means. There are plenty of materials online with excellent explainations.
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import calendar
%matplotlib inline
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