The poor rabbit chased by Python and Anaconda :p


I heard everyone has an "About" page...


Learning sometimes can be tedious and boring (or it always be?),so I need a place to share some thoughts, write down some learning notes, or just make some memes.

If my posts happen to answer some questions from you, great, I never think this can work in that way.

If my posts describe something which doesn’t make any sense, perfect, please let me know and I will fix it… Someday.

If you spend a few minutes here and find out you’ve get nothing from it, well, doing nothing is actually considering as relax. So, I’m glad you’re relaxed here.

Keep it simple, keep it useful, keep it last long

This is not my first blog, and I believe it’s not going to be the last. Finger crossed, hope this time my passion can last long.